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Draw a different line with Kybella


Many thoughts creep through the minds of those who live with double chins. Here are five truths that may just hit home:



  • They’re only cute on babies.
  • All the neck and chin lifting exercises in the world aren’t going to change the look of this chin.
  • For guys: Maybe facial hair could disguise the problem. Maybe not, when it doesn’t grow to a full beard.
  • Camera angles for pictures are tricky. Go high, please.
  • Mirrors are not enjoyable to look at.



We understand the struggle is real and want to help!

Put your best chin forward with Kybella, an injectable treatment for adults with chin fullness or more than a double chin. Kybella eliminates fat cells beneath the chin to help improve the ever-so-necessary side profile. Kybella treatments are administered at least 1 month apart and should not exceed six total treatments. Because no two chins are the same, treatments will be different for each person. It all comes down to the amount of submental fat (double chin) that’s being treated. To start your treatment journey we recommend to schedule a free consultation with one of our highly trained team members in order to decide whether or not Kybella is right for you and how much is necessary to treat your situation. Don’t wait, draw a different line today!

Sidney | 12.7.2018

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